Smilinguido em Moda Amarela

Smilinguido em Moda Amarela
Jul 13, 1995
Dario Camargo de Jesus, Izabela Leonel Barnes, Jaqueline Firzlaff, Joel Indart, Leandro Daniel Colombo, Maricélia Romero Leite, Priscila R. Aguiar Laranjeira

Synopsis Smilinguido em Moda Amarela

It all started when Smilingüido decided to clean up his gloves and yellow boots. That day the Queen praised him greatly. Despite the great friendship between Piriá and Smilingüido, things change between them. Feeling rejected, with envy of his friend, Piriá looks for a way to be accepted by the Queen and thus get the admiration of all the ants.

  • Sonopress-Rimo da Amazônia
  • Editora Luz e Vida
  • Dario Camargo de Jesus
  • Izabela Leonel Barnes
  • Jaqueline Firzlaff
  • Joel Indart
  • Leandro Daniel Colombo
  • Maricélia Romero Leite
  • Priscila R. Aguiar Laranjeira

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