Synopsis Ghost
A week ago, a seemingly unusual but bizarre WeChat invitation brought Caidi, Qingyun, Rocky, Mia, and Bo together, led by a boat captain to the scenic Donglin Island. The five of them seem to have a smooth ride, but they do not know that danger has crept in. The island is empty, the sun rises in the west and sets in the east, the dense creeping green vines, the "cave" dripping with mucus and stacked with white bones, the blue pool bubbling with immortal energy but can erode the bones, and the strange death of Bo's son, all phenomena are unbelievable. The sudden appearance of the "mysterious man" and his advice pushes them into a state of near-madness and fear, but they have already fallen into an "island of death" from which there is no way out. Where did the island come from and who is the "Mystery Man"? Whether Kaidi and Qingyun will be able to leave safely or not, as the layers of truth advance, everything is even more creepy. ......