
Jul 26, 1972
Massimo Campostrini, Ferruccio Maliga, Giovani Moretto, Diego Peres, Paola Tosi, Augusto Tretti

Synopsis Power

Titled Power, Tretti's sophomore film was a sort of Mel Brooks' History of the World, in which Tretti explored the history of mankind from one precise point of view: how the powerful ruled over the weak. A man confused as the God of Fire in prehistory; Jesus and Muhammad deciding who must eat what and when because of a power no one has seen; Tiberius Gracchus killed by the senate because he was fighting for the people. Tretti had a bullet for everyone. He loved to unmask those who claimed to be on the side of the less fortunate, showing the three powers - military, commercial and agricultural - sitting on three thrones and chatting on how they can suck life out of men and keep power tight in their hands.

  • Aquarius Audiovisual
  • Massimo Campostrini
  • Ferruccio Maliga
  • Giovani Moretto
  • Diego Peres
  • Paola Tosi
  • Augusto Tretti

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