Bump - S01

Bump - S01
Sep 14, 1990
Simon Cadell

Seasons (2)

Episodes (13)

1. Bump and the Hole2. Bump and the Clouds3. Bump's Upside Down Friend4. Bump Plays a Trick5. A Ride with Bump6. Bump's Lost Button7. Bump Has a Funny Day8. Bump's New Game9. Bump Learns to Fly10. Bump and the Monster11. Bump Wants to Help12. Bump's Loud Song13. Bump Goes Away

Synopsis Bump - S01

Bump is known to be very clumsy, a trait that is emphasised by a bandage on his forehead. Birdie often gives Bump advice on how he could become more graceful. Bump and Birdie regularly encounter animals that have a problem, and helps them to find a solution.

  • Simon Cadell

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