Desafio - S17
Seasons (20)
1. Desafío 20-04: La Aventura2. Desafío 20-05, Cabo Tiburón, Chocó - Colombia3. Desafío 20-06: Guerra de Estratos4. Desafío 20-07: La Guerra de las Generaciones5. Desafío 2008: La Lucha de las Regiones6. Desafío 2009: La Lucha de las Regiones, La Revancha7. Desafío 2010: La Lucha de las Regiones, El Brazalete Dorado8. Desafío 2011: La Lucha de las Regiones, La Piedra Sagrada9. Desafío 2012: El Fin Del Mundo10. Desafío 2013: África, El Origen11. Desafío 2014: Marruecos, las mil y una noches12. Desafío 2015: India, La Reencarnación13. Desafío 2016: Súper Humanos, Súper Regiones14. Desafío 2017: Súper Humanos, Cap Cana15. Desafío 2018: Súper Humanos, XV Años16. Desafío 2019: Súper Regiones17. Desafío 2021: The Box18. Desafío 2022: The Box 219. Desafío 2023: The Box 320. Desafío 2024: XX años
Episodes (0)
Synopsis Desafio - S17
In the competitions it was planned that the teams from Amazónico, Antioqueños, Cachacos, Cafeteros, Costeños, Llaneros, Pastusos, Santandereanos, Tolima Grande and Vallecaucanos would face each other; counting on the addition of a new region with challengers from the department of Boyacá, who would form a group called "Boyacenses"; However, the Alpha, Beta and Gamma teams were organized through a "test-election" system, in which whoever won the test would be the first to choose who was the next member of their team, and finally an individual test that would make up the Omega team, made up of the best fourth women and four men among the participants who They were not chosen to perform the test.