The Class - S12

The Class - S12
Jan 04, 2022

Seasons (18)

Episodes (75)

1. Adam's new enemy2. Johanne has broken up3. Crush on big brother4. Mom's new boyfriend5. Johanne crosses the line6. Melvin is alone7. The milk mafia8. Liv becomes a pig9. Is Jazmin too much10. Willums Fake News11. Gamer-Nerd12. Dangerous friendships13. Johanne wants Oliver back14. Has Adam been kidnapped?15. Liv's nightmare16. Mia is embarrassed17. Victor's first pimple18. Embarrassing or sweaty?19. The secret valentine20. True love, fake dates21. Liv's wild mission22. Celina's secret cardboard brother23. Burned teddy bears and bullying24. The embarrassing lion25. Who is Linus?26. The big talent competition27. Mega annoying mine in Victor28. The naughty book29. Bumpy declarations of love30. Zara is being trolled31. Melvin gossips about Michael32. Celina's friends fail33. Everyone forgets Liv's birthday34. The revenge of the ex-lovers35. Adam, Victor and vodka36. Mice, Molly and lots of trouble37. Willum on the track38. Evil accusations and big revelations39. A dangerous service40. What is Jazmin up to?41. Boyfriends kiss then42. Knees, breasts and a stolen bra43. Plastic cheating44. NP Superstar45. Teacher Nico and the power of homework46. Not fun at all47. Misunderstand emojis48. Nico's flirt49. Robin's revenge50. Does Johanne have an affair?51. Molly and the fashion show52. Does Melvin wear women's clothes?53. The decoy54. The Gold Star55. A jealous sports god56. Mortgage, pizza and money problems57. Molly wants to enter the big Junior Baking Contest?58. Who is liked by the 9th graders?59. Celina's hanger nightmare60. Staying overnight at school61. Adam and Mia's dating service62. Bro needs glasses63. Is Nellie a boy or a girl?64. The heartbreaker65. The pigeons are watching us!66. In love with Nellie?67. Willum's secret68. Molly's chess dates69. The struggle for love70. Melvin has to move71. The most popular in the class72. Robin says no73. I Love You74. Is Michael fired?75. The class is saying goodbye

Synopsis The Class - S12

What is happening in the class? Who are friends, who are enemies - and who has had a mishap? The pupils have yet another day ahead of them.

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